Pathguide: the pathway resource list
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Full Record: IntAct  
Short NameIntAct
Full NameIntAct Molecular Interaction Database
Last ObservedFebruary 8th, 2017
DescriptionA database of freely available molecular interactions maintained by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI).
Sample Data URL 
Data SourcePrimary
AvailabilityFree to all users
PubMed ArticlesIntAct: an open source molecular interaction database.
Hermjakob H, Montecchi-Palazzi L, Lewington C, Mudali S, Kerrien S, Orchard S, Vingron M, Roechert B, Roepstorff P, Valencia A, Margalit H, Armstrong J, Bairoch A, Cesareni G, Sherman D, Apweiler R.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2004 Jan 1;32(Database issue):D452-5.

IntAct--open source resource for molecular interaction data.
Kerrien S, Alam-Faruque Y, Aranda B, Bancarz I, Bridge A, Derow C, Dimmer E, Feuermann M, Friedrichsen A, Huntley R, Kohler C, Khadake J, Leroy C, Liban A, Lieftink C, Montecchi-Palazzi L, Orchard S, Risse J, Robbe K, Roechert B, Thorneycroft D, Zhang Y, Apweiler R, Hermjakob H.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jan;35(Database issue):D561-5. Epub 2006 Dec 1.

The IntAct molecular interaction database in 2010.
B. Aranda, P. Achuthan, Y. Alam-Faruque, I. Armean, A. Bridge1, C. Derow, M. Feuermann, A. T. Ghanbarian, S. Kerrien, J. Khadake, J. Kerssemakers, C. Leroy, M. Menden, M. Michaut, L. Montecchi-Palazzi, S., N. Neuhauser, S. Orchard, V. Perreau, B. Roechert, K. van Eijk, and H. Hermjakob
Nucleic Acids Res. 2010;38 (Database issue):D525-D531

The IntAct molecular interaction database in 2012.
Kerrien S, Aranda B, Breuza L, Bridge A, Broackes-Carter F, Chen C, Duesbury M, Dumousseau M, Feuermann M, Hinz U, Jandrasits C, Jimenez RC, Khadake J, Mahadevan U, Masson P, Pedruzzi I, Pfeiffenberger E, Porras P, Raghunath A, Roechert B, Orchard S, Hermjakob H
Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Jan;40(Database issue):D841-6.

The MIntAct project--IntAct as a common curation platform for 11 molecular interaction databases.
Orchard S, Ammari M, Aranda B, Breuza L, Briganti L, Broackes-Carter F, Campbell NH, Chavali G, Chen C, del-Toro N, Duesbury M, Dumousseau M, Galeota E, Hinz U, Iannuccelli M, Jagannathan S, Jimenez R, Khadake J, Lagreid A, Licata L, Lovering RC, Meldal B, Melidoni AN, Milagros M, Peluso D, Perfetto L, Porras P, Raghunath A, Ricard-Blum S, Roechert B, Stutz A, Tognolli M, van Roey K, Cesareni G, Hermjakob H.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jan;42(Database issue):D358-63.

Types of DataProtein-Protein Interactions, Protein-Compound Interactions
Types of ToolsPathway diagram tools
Genes / Proteins: 99,807
Interactions / Reactions: 751,286
Experiments / PubMed IDs: 14,689
Last Content Update: July 18th, 2017
Major OrganismsArabidopsis thaliana, Escherichia coli, Caenorhabditis elegans, Homo sapiens, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Mus musculus
Relative Popularity888
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"Pathguide: the pathway resource list" is maintained by Gary Bader1.
The website was originally created by Michael Cary 2 and was significantly updated and redesigned by Vuk Pavlovic1.
Thanks to Emek Demir for the Pathguide name.

1. Bader Lab
2. Sander Group

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